Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chicago: Now let us pause for History

Chicago is one of the world's 10 most global cities and one visit here will prove why. Every year thousands of tourists come here. They ride the trolley, visit the beach, shop on the Magnificent Mile, eat the great food, and participate in the night life. Chicago really is a scenic and beautiful city. From the beaches to the tree lines streets of various neighborhoods there is plenty to look at and participate in while here.

From this view behind in Burnham Harbor which is on the Museum Campus.

The Museum Campus is where the Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium, and the Field Museum are located. Way off in the distance you can see Navy Pier, a fun little place with boats and rides and other random fun.

The Field Museum of Natural History was founded in 1893 and named to honor Marshall Field who was its major benefactor.  It houses an array of artifacts from all over the world, everything from dinosaur fossils to Native American artifacts.

In elementary school whenever we took a trip to the museum it was always the Field Museum. I HATED IT!! To me the Field Museum was the most boring museum of all. It was only when I grew up and visited as an adult that I was able to appreciate it. 

There's just so much coolness inside this Museum. I can't advocate enough people going to visit this place. So go! But only after you finish reading this blog.

Lauren Green, 2010

Lauren Green, 2010

Lauren Green, 2010

Lauren Green, 2010

Laure n Green, 2010

The John G. Shedd Aquarium opened in 1930. John G. Shedd gifted the museum to the city and was a protege of Marhsall Field. It is another fun place that gets lots of visitors. Most people like to go and see the live shows with the dolphins. It's just really cool in general to go around and look at the different fish, dolphins, and beluga whales. This just might be the only museum like place that I've ever seen have a line that goes out the door and wraps around several times.

The last building in the museum campus is the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum which was founded in 1930. I found out that it was the first planetarium built in the western hemisphere. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the building. However, since I am me I'll probably be going there soon and it will have it's own blog post.

I enjoyed going to the planetarium as a child, mainly because I was very much into astronomy. I wanted to be an astronomer until my father told me that they don't make very much money. That shouldn't have influenced me so much to drop my dream but hey I was a kid.

Now with this, I end part two of my photo story. Hope the photos are being enjoyed. Part three shall be coming soon. Thanks for reading.



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