Friday, February 26, 2010

Re: School Closings

Disclaimers: statistics are courtesy of the Illinois State Board of Education website and their report cards on schools. Any news articles will be referenced accordingly.

So there's this uproar going on in Chicago right now. Frankly it goes on just about every year recently. The Chicago Board of Education decides that some schools will be closed and undergo a "turnaround". Parents, teachers, community leaders, etc. all protest and say that it's terrible to close these schools. Teachers will lose jobs, the destabilizes the children, etc.

I went through CPS both the good schools and the bad schools. I HATED elementary school for two main reasons, one I was socially discriminated against and two because I was always so bored. We always went over the same things over and over. I was one of those "smart kids" who was beyond grade level but there was nothing for me to do. The school had no resources and everything was dedicated to helping those who were not meeting grade level. As a child that annoyed me to no end. As an adult I understand why that's important. Especially in the climate of no child left behind and the constant pressure to get our children up to grade level in reading, math, and science. It's stressful to be a teacher. That is why I ended up not going for a teaching job. I knew myself well enough to understand that I would not have been able to deal with what teachers deal with. They have to be mother, father, teacher, and disciplinarian to these children. School closing only add to the stress, costing teachers their jobs and livelihoods. I respect teachers. I know teachers and their dedication is AMAZING!

If I'm so understanding then what's my problem? Well I have a big problem with much of the complaining coming from some parents and community leaders. Where is all this outrage before the announcement of the school closing? In fact how did we even get to the point that our schools are under-performing to the point that they need to be closed? Why do these schools closings take people by surprise every year?

I want to throw out some quick facts about one of the schools that is being slated for turnaround. Marshall Metropolitan High School is behind the elementary school that I attended. I've always known it was a bad school, so I wasn't surprised by the fact that it was listed as one of the schools being closed. Let's look at how the school is doing.

Graduation Percentage
2009: 41.1%
2008: 28.0%
2007: 46.9%

PSAE Scores (the Prairie Sates Achievement Exam is given in grade eleven to test students progress)
level 1 (academic warning)
level 2 (below grade level)
level 3 (meeting grade level)
level 4 (exceeding grade level)

Reading Math Science
level 1 27.9% 42.7% 31.8%
level 2 63.9% 55.9% 65.9%
level 3 8.2% 1.4 % 2.3%
level 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

level 1 34.0% 42.7% 29.3%
level 2 59.6% 54.1% 68.2%
level 3 5.8% 3.2% 2.5%
level 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

level 1 31.6% 42.2% 36.2%
level 2 71.6% 55.6% 61.2%
level 3 6.9% 2.2% 2.6%
level 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

I should have looked at more than three years but to me this was enough to give me a quick snapshot. The graduation rate is below 50%. There is consistently less than 10% of these students meeting grade level and none are exceeding. Now if you just take twenty minutes and look at these figures and think about them then would it really surprise you that this school is slated for closure? I know it's kind of unfair to look only at figures and not take into account what the students will have to go through when their schools are closed and they are uprooted. But really what is the choice? Do we continue to let these students back slide? How can the US keep up in the world when we have such poorly educated students? We have to look at the figures because they are tangible proof of what is going on with the students.

But back to my irritant. Where are the parents? Where are the community leaders? Why aren't they doing something about this? I feel like they should be making a big deal every year. How can you possible not know that a school is doing this bad? 28% of students graduated from Marshall in 2008 yet I can't recall hearing anything huge in the news about it.

I don't want to be the villain and blame one person for everything. I blame our culture. We have an ingrained culture of sweeping problems under the rug. We don't deal with problems until it has gotten so terrible and that there is no other way around it. I hate to say this about black people (my people) but we accept these low standards. We accept our children dropping out of school. We don't encourage education but we sure do get angry if someone tries and take it away. Why are we allowing schools like Marshall to fail?

Let's take all this outrage over school closings and direct it into positivity. Let's be outraged over what we have done to ourselves. Let's encourage our kids to go to school, to pay attention to the teachers who have gone through so much training and education to service the schools. Let's participate more in the lives of our children. Maybe slowly we can reverse this terrible trend that we're in.


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