Friday, March 12, 2010

Freaknik: The Musical

Not much can make me speechless but this is one of those things.....

Disclaimer: This is 50 millions types of ignorant

As I write this I am loath to put up the link, I feel like my linking this is encouraging this animated filth. I don't know what hurts me more; the fact that someone actually had this idea, the fact that this idea was put into fruition, or the fact that people have actually watched this and enjoyed it and hope for a sequel. Have we as a society devolved to such a degree that we actually support this? Why does T-pain have a Grammy? Why does he have a cartoon? Why does he have a career?

If black folks ever want to wonder why we don't get anywhere in this society then we should look no further than the mirror. We talk so much about the civil rights era, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, etc. etc. We talk about how we should be treated equally. About how black is beautiful and we should have pride but then we throw all that down the trash and uphold Freaknik and doing the stanky legs, we don't value education or hard work, we allow our schools to fail, make babies with multiple partners, and go on Maury wearing nothing but a bra and panties claiming that "I'm thickalicious!" We complain about the cops coming after us but then sit on the porch in 30 degree weather selling drugs with the police van sitting directly in the line of sight.


There are so many things that we should be proud of but it's overshadowed by the GLARING IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed because the ones of us who work hard, who go to school, who bust our behinds at work and try to rise above the ignorance are labeled as haters, or go unappreciated, or are teased and made fun of for "trying to be white". Buy a clue! Not everything in life is about race or trying to be white or fighting "the man". It's about carrying one's self in a respectful manner.

So please, let's not encourage ignorance. Continued support of ignorance leaves absolutely no excuse when circumstances don't improve.


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