Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I've been mulling this over for a long time. Often times in my everyday life I come across incredible situations that make me say "really?!". So after a long hiatus from the blogosphere I'm here with my first installation of Really?!
It's taken from my everyday life, some of these have made me laugh or made me shake my head. Others make me wonder about the state of humanity. Without further ado I now present:

Let me set the scene for this one because I was absolutely floored. Here I was, breakfast in hand waiting for the light to change so I could cross the street and random guy selling the Chicago Tribune looks at me and smiles. Okay cool, I'll take a smile.
Random guy: You're very pretty
Me: *smile* Thank you
Random Guy: Can I have a kiss?
Me: *smiles and laughs awkwardly* Nooo
Random guy: Just on the jaw...
Me: No
Random guy: Your husband won't know.

By now the merciful lord has allowed the light to change so I walked off to the safety of my job. But all I wanted to say was, really?! Who does that? Why is this an interaction? Is something wrong with me that I attract strangely odd and completely inappropriate men? Why do homeless guys hit on me after asking for money and think it is okay?! Ahem...I'm okay now...

On to the next! 
I love working for my job. I always hear the most ridiculous things. We have a front reception desk which of course sees all types of human oddities. I'm not allowed to work this desk. It's probably for the best. My face would give away all my thoughts and people would be angry. So imagine my delight when I got this tidbit 

Coworker: OMG!!! this butt ugly man just came over & said I got my face "painted up nicely." LOL! This front desk... gotta love it.
Me: wow... 

You got your face painted up nicely? For real? Painted up nicely like some sort of Claude Monet or Van Gogh?  Maybe that's just an old school saying and I'm woefully out of the loop. Yeah let's go with that.

Those are my really?! moments for the day and I'm sure there will be tons more to come. Let me know your really?! moments, because after all we all need a good laugh.


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