Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflecting on 2011

Woah, I'm writing this on January 1, 2012. I kind of can't believe so many years have passed by. I remember when we were just entering the year 2000 and everyone had the Y2K freak out. Now it's twelve years later. So how was 2011 for me? Well it was definitely a year of triumph and towards the end trials. I got to do some wonderful things that I've wanted to do for a long time (i.e. Hawaii) and had to deal with some very painful revelations towards the end of this year. I got a full time job (still waiting on that staffing CPS) which is something I've longed for. In a way it's kind of okay that I haven't gotten staffed yet because I know now that I will be starting my new year with a new job, new goals, and new responsibilities. I always enter the year more enthusiastic and positive. I know I will lose some of that positivity at some point but it's still good to have for a little time.

Anyway, as the year starts off I'm hoping to make some changes to myself and move in a more positive direction. I'm aiming for more spiritual growth and maturity within my relationships. I definitely know that I've got a lot of stress and struggle coming up in 2012 but I'm ready for it. I've been broken down and risen from the ashes before so I'm confident I can do it again.

So here's to hoping that 2012 will see more triumphs, better health, more traveling and new friendships! Happy New Year to the few people who read my babbling blogs. I love everyone.

Aja aja Fighting!!!
-Lauren, aged 24.

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